很多用过Chrome浏览器的盆友可能都玩过这个彩蛋,就是必须先断网才能玩,或者在浏览器地址栏输入chrome://dino回车后强制启动彩蛋,有点不方便。 什么?你没玩过啊,那以后就在这里玩吧! 所以今天就介绍一下这个恐龙彩蛋,顺便把这个彩蛋扒下来放在这里让你们玩玩。

It’s surprising known that an easter-egg-game is inside the Chrome browser, which is enabled when u are offline, or u have to tap chrome://dino in your address bar. That isn’t cool at all.

# 关于Chrome恐龙彩蛋有意思的细节 | Interesting details about the egg

  1. 只要你连续玩1700万年,你就能看到游戏结局(因为霸王龙在地球上存在了1700万年,但你的空格键就不一定了);

  2. 游戏中按方向键下可以蹲下,按住可以一直蹲着跑,跳起来后按方向键下可以快速落地;

  3. 游戏玩到一定时间会出现黑夜,出现了星星月亮,还会有翼龙飞过,注意躲避;

  4. 设计师Sebastien Gabriel称,之所以选择像素风的恐龙,是因为断网了就像回到了史前时代,像素风和恐龙都能很好地诠释这个意义;

  5. 这个小彩蛋的开发代号为「Project Bolan」,正式名称叫「T-Rex」,致敬了70年代摇滚乐队T-Rex的主唱Marc Bolan;

  6. 2014年9月这个游戏才正式公布,12月才在安卓上重写完成,目前已经支持全平台游玩;

  7. 本来设计师想在游戏开始前,把恐龙设计成咆哮状态,但是后面并没有用上;

  8. 小恐龙还有一个陨石坠落背景的版本,在Chrome OS上登陆账号如果遇到错误就会出现;

  9. Chrome浏览器10周年的时候,恐龙吃掉蛋糕后会带上一顶生日帽,正如封面里的那只。

  1. As long as you play 17 million years in a row, you can see the ending. (Cause the Tyrannosaurus has been on the earth for 17 million years, but your space button…emm)

  2. Press the arrow down key to squat down for a while, and hit it again while the dino is in the air to land faster.

  3. After play for a while, the game changes into dark-mode, stars and the mood can be seen in the sky, as well as the Pterosaurs, be alert.

  4. Sebastien Gabriel, designer of this game, explained why pixelated, as it’s like being back to prehistoric times when offline.

  5. The game is code-named “Project Bolan”, officially called “T-Rex”, intended to pay tribute to Marc Bolan, lead vocal of the rock band T-Rex in the 70s.

  6. Official announced in Sept. 2014, the game was completed on Android platform in December, and is now available on all platforms.

  7. Originally, the designer wanted to design the dinosaur into a roaring state before the game started, but it was not used after all.

  8. There is another version in which meteorite are falling in the background. And is only available on the login-error-page on Chrome OS.

  9. In the 10th Anniversary of Chrome, the dino will put on a birthday hat after eating a cake, like the one in the cover-img.

# 本站彩蛋环节 | Chrome dino in my site

  • 本着这么好玩的彩蛋必须给搞下来的思路,从Chromium的源文件中可以找到这个彩蛋的源码,然后顺手搬到了我的网站上:

  • I brought this game down from the source files of Chromium, and deployed it on my website:

  • 那么怎么找到这个彩蛋呢?很简单,把网站搞坏就可以了。讲真,网站出错就会出现彩蛋了,你可以试试在地址栏随便输入点什么内容,比如这样:

  • To find the egg, you have to break my website. Try to type in the address bar like this:


Enjoy playing : )

• 本文作者 | Author info >> MAXH
• 来源链接 | Source link >> Chrome恐龙彩蛋那些事 | Fun facts about Chrome dino
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