
This tutorial introduces how to use a single line of code to achieve smooth scrolling, and introduces a more compatible artifact: Smooth-scroll.

目录 / LIST

# 修改style.css | Modify style.css

  • 实现平滑滚动最简单的一种方法,一行代码就可以实现,只需要在Hugo主题目录下static/assetsstyle.css文件中直接加入如下代码即可。
  • The easiest way is adding a single line of code directly to the style.css file in the static/assets directory of the Hugo theme.
html, body { scroll-behavior:smooth; }
  • 但是这种方法兼容性不好,比如Safari浏览器就不支持,因此需要寻找一种兼容性更好的方案。
  • However, this method is not compatible, such as Safari browser, so we need to find a more compatible solution.

# 下载Smooth-scroll | Downloading

  • 推荐使用Smooth-scroll这个轻量级脚本来实现平滑滚动,首先需要在GitHub项目里的releases里下载最新脚本。
  • It is recommended to use the lightweight script Smooth-scroll for smooth scrolling. First you need to download the latest script in releases in the GitHub project.

Releases · cferdinandi/smooth-scroll · GitHub

  • src/js/smooth-scroll/目录下解压smooth-scroll.js文件到Hugo主题文件夹下的static/assets目录下即可。
  • Unzip the smooth-scroll.js file in the src/js/smooth-scroll/ directory to the static/assets directory under the Hugo theme folder.

# 配置Smooth-scroll | Configurations

  • 回到Hugo主题文件夹下的layoust/_default文件夹下的single.html文件,把下面的代码拷进到{{ define "main" }}之后。再去SSH里Hugo一下就搞定啦。
  • Go back to the single.html file in the layoust/_default folder under the Hugo theme folder and copy the following code after {{ define "main" }}.
<script src="{{ "assets/smooth-scroll.js" | absURL }}"></script>
<script>var scroll = new SmoothScroll('a[href*="#"]', { speed: 200 });</script>
  • 可以通过修改speed调节滚动的速度,默认200。想了解更多,点击下方项目地址。
  • You can adjust the scrolling speed by modifying speed, which defaults to 200. To find out more, click on the address below.

GitHub - cferdinandi/smooth-scroll: A lightweight script to animate scrolling to anchor links.

• 本文作者 | Author info >> MAXH
• 来源链接 | Source link >> 用Smooth-scroll实现平滑滚动 | It makes scrolling smooth & natural
• 发表评论 | Make comments >>